MediaWiki Widgets:Improvements
From MediaWiki Widgets
Broken widgets
Check if the broken widgets can somehow be revived or if they are gone for good:
Widget | status |
AccuWeather | broken |
BilibiliVideo | broken |
Custom zxy map | broken |
Facebook Like Button | broken |
Flickr | broken |
FlickrSetShow | broken |
GodTube | broken |
Google Books | broken |
Google Maps | broken |
Google Presentation | broken |
Google Voice | broken |
KaraokeRu | broken |
Like button | broken |
LinkedIn Company | broken |
Mediateca EOI | broken |
Meetup Badge | broken |
Metavid Video | broken |
NetvibesRSS | broken |
Prezi | broken |
Screencast | broken |
Scribd | broken |
Tv3 | broken |
Twitter List | broken |
Twitter Search | broken |
Twitter timeline | broken |
TypePad Connect | broken |
Veoh | broken |
VoyageMap | broken |
WeJew | broken |
WolframAlpha | broken |
YacyLiveSearch | broken |
Yahoo Video | broken |
Youtube wide playlist | broken |
Security status of widgets
Check the security status of widgets as per widget syntax and review instructions. Widgets by Sergey Chernyshev, Yaron Koren, Jeroen De Dauw, Tosfos may be flagged as checked for security right away.
Enhance the Widget template
- Allow for keywords, e.g. video, weather, social media, document, misc so that these can better be found.
- Your ideas ...
Enhance the presentation of main page
- Automatize the presentation instead of static content (partly done)
- Monthly widget rotation?
- Your ideas ...