MediaWiki Widgets:Users
From MediaWiki Widgets
Users (See List of 13,990)
Members of this group may...
- As part of (ALL)
- Create discussion pages (createtalk)
- Create new user accounts (createaccount)
- Create pages (which are not discussion pages) (createpage)
- Read pages (read)
- Use of the write API (writeapi)
- View "Edit" tab for pages editable by form (viewedittab)
- As part of Users
- Create new semantic classes (createclass)
- Mark edits as minor (minoredit)
- Move files (movefile)
- Move pages (move)
- Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
- Move root user pages (move-rootuserpages)
- Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
- Overwrite existing files (reupload)
- Perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA (skipcaptcha)
- Purge the site cache for a page without confirmation (purge)
- Send e-mail to other users (sendemail)
- Upload files (upload)
A full comparison chart for the User Groups can be found Here.